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Secure IT Solutions

for a more secure


IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is a state of the art Caucasian Firm specializing in Security and Technology that is award winning and excellent.

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© has technologies such as IS™ InterCMS TM©, IS™ InterBase TM©, IS™ InterWired TM©, IS™ Barriers TM©, IS™ Mazes TM© and more …

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© can be contacted via IS™ TTX TM© and/or by calling +61.401152790 between Monday to Friday during the hours of 10:00am to 4:00pm.

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© has several subsideries such as Centuries, FBC, WMart, BasicPro, BMart and more ...

Ester Courn, IS™ Interlogic Systems TM©'s tax agent is able to review and do work world-wide. 

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© Copyrighted 2018. All Rights Reserved. IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© Terms and Conditions Applies.


Cloud Computing

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is trialing 3 hosting plans as 3rd Backup Hosting only.

The 3 hosting plans as 3rd Backup Hosting doesn't effect your current hosting.

The 3 Hosting Plans by IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© are :-




The above 3 Hosting Plans as 3rd Backup Hosting are on trial with IS™ Terms and Conditions TM©.

To enquire please contact +61.401152790

and/or TTX (truth based ticks exchange)

IS™ Trading Indicies

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is announcing it's IS™ Trading Indicies.

IS™ Trading Indicies Board


4.78 --- IS™ Interlogic Systems TM©

10.9 --- IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© (Wholesale)


Things you can do...


IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© has several branches for people who wants to be involved with IS™ Interlogic Systems TM©


There is one main department branch called

IS™ The AISF Branch TM©, underneath the above department branch, below is the sub branches for people who wants to be involved with IS™ Interlogic Systems TM©.


IS™ The AISF Branch TM©


IS™ The AISF Branch

IS™ The AISF Foreign Branch

IS™ Branch

IS™ Foreign Branch


You can locate the above branches using IS™ TTX (3d)



SecureID is a leading edge technology that identifies who you are and make automatic measures for your security. SecureID by IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is on R & D phase, release date is unknown.

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is developing SecureID as IS™ SecureID TM©. IS™ SecureID TM© 2018 is under development and testing are to be done by IS™ Interlogic Systems TM©. 

IS™ SecureID TM© 2018 is due to be released in mid September 2018. IS™ SecureID TM© 2018 Terms and Conditions Applies.

IS™ SecureID TM© 2018 is under development and testing is on trial currently. IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© may extend the release date of IS™ SecureID TM© 2018 to mid November 2018, release date is still unannounced.

IS™ SecureID TM© 2018. All Rights Reserved.

IS™ SecureID TM© 2018 Terms and Conditions Applies.

Basic Pro is an advanced system that can protect you from aliens and terrorist.

IS™ Pay Assistance TM©

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© released IS™ Pay Assistance TM© which can pay $800.00 AUD for anyone who works per week as a security measure against economic breakdowns.

IS™ Pay Assistance TM© Terms and Conditions TM© Applies.


IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is supporting WorkForce.

For more information, please call +61.478196288 and/or IS™ TTX (3d) IS™ Interlogic Systems TM©


IS™ TTX (3d)

IS™ TTX (3d) is a telepathy related technology that could exchange simple conversations and display images in cinematic levels.

Whether you're at work and/or at home, you can communicate to IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© via IS™ TTX (3d). 


TTX (Truth Tick eXchange)

TTX (Truth based ticks eXchange)

IS™ TTX (Remote communication)

IS™ TTX (3d)

IS™ TTX (3d) © 2018. All Rights Reserved.

IS™ TTX (3d) © Terms and Conditions Applies.

IS™ Tourch Logo


IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is marketing an award winning logo standard called IS™ Tourch Logo.

IS™ Tourch Logo is a forever standard product by IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© with Terms and Conditions.

To enquire about IS™ Tourch Logo, please use IS™ TTX (3d).

A cup award as the leading Caucasian Firm for 2018.

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is offering TTX Services, please check Plans & Pricing for more information.

1. Managed IT Solutions

2. Web Developments

3. Hosting & Cloud Computing

Helping you find the right IT solutions.

IS™ is helping businesses by constructing a secured environment to offer 3 plans to hosting as 3rd Backup Hosting which doesn't effect your current hosting structure.

The 3 plans are :-




To enquire, please use TTX (truth based ticks exchange) to gather information once a week


Cloud Computing


IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is a security and technology firm.

Mobility : IS™ TTX (3d) is a telepathy related technology that can communicate similar to real life talking and speaking. IS™ TTX (3d) could communicate using telepathy related technology that could exchange simple conversations similar to real life talking and speaking as well as displaying examples in cinematic levels.

* Disclaimer: IS™ TTX (3d) by IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is for trial use only, extreme usage is not recommended. IS™ TTX (3d) IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© Terms and Conditions Applies. 



Cloud Computing : There are 3 plans.




The plans are under development and due to be released soon, you can TTX and enquire to be subscribed on trial.

Security : The security at IS™ is based on family, race and national. There are some logistics applied during war.

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© has three plans to hosting:-

1. Basic

2. Business

3. Bronze

The above plans are to be subscribed as 3rd Backup Hosting only.

To enquire about IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© Hosting, please use IS™ TTX (3d).

IS™ Interlogic Systems TM© is a Caucasian Firm specializing in security and tech. For more information, please email and/or call +61.401152790.

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